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来源:校园英语·中旬 ·2018年04月28日 21:03 浏览量:12100




【关键词】文本解读 文学作品 阅读










本课例是2016年11月14日-18日浙江省教育厅教研室组织的高中英语阅读成果推广培训班中的一堂研讨课。教学内容一篇题为Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 的文章。由绍兴一中的钱虹艳老师执教,对象为余姚中学高二学生,课型为阅读课。本课获听课老师一致好评。在课后的研讨过程中有老师指出:利用欣赏文学作品的要素,巧妙设计活动,搭建阅读支架,层层设问,文本处理有层次感,训练了思维。本文将围绕文学作品阅读的要素,通过对本课文本的解读,提升学生阅读能力。如果将此法运用在日常教学中,肯定有助于提高学生的读后续写能力。


Step1 lead in

钱老师在自我介绍中说自己从绍兴坐“green”火车到余姚,途中看了一部电影。电影的名称叫《King Arthur》,然后老师问:Who is King Arthur? PPT同时播放电影片段。

King Arthur, a legend and British leader, led the defense of Britain against invaders in the 5th and 6th centuries AD.老师接着介绍 The knights of the Round Table then asked“who is knight?”and what virtues does a knight have? According to the film. Knightly virtues:Bravery, honesty, honour, loyalty, faith.


松导出King Arthur,knight,Knightly virtues,以及本文话题Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.利用电影中的情景和形象,让学生说出自己对骑士的美德。让学生体验中掌握文学作品的人物性格.

Step2 文本解读

上课老师引出本文话题:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 然后说 “How should we appreciate a literary story?” PPT展示:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Then how should we appreciate a literary story?

Next 介紹了 the organization of a literary story:学生在老师的引导下,基本上做出自己的organization:

Setting(Para.1)—Exposition(Para2.3)—Rising action(Para4.6)—Climax(Para.7)—Falling action(Para.8)—Ending(Para.9).


Step3 reading for structures

1.教师利用结构图让学生完成setting 部分的解读:


利用文中句子“Suddenly the door opened and everyone turned round”让学生推断出Green knight 是一个“an unexpected visitor”并概括出段落大意.

2. Exposition(Para.2-3):

在这部分老师围绕着Sir Gawain 和 Green Knight 设问:Who was Sir Gawain? What did he do? What do you think he was? Who was the Green Knight? What did he do? How did he test them? What was the result?

从此学生了解了Sir Gawain 和 the Green Knight 第一个测试。


3. Rising action(Para4-6):

授课教师先让学生阅读这部分内容。然后完成ppt上的填空题。完成了Sir Gawain 和 the Green Knight 第二个测试。

It must have been a journey full of ___.

It must have been ___ in harsh natural environment.

It was a journey to d___ as well as a journey to h___.

【赏析】完成这部分内容后,学生进一步了解了Sir Gawain 的性格honesty and honor.

4. Climax:

授课老师设问 Why did the Green Knight cut Sir Gawain three times?学生回答:Sir Gawain was honest during the first two times but dishonest at the third time

然后老师又问 Why did the green knight cut a little?学生回答because he was dishonest.

老师追问 Why didn`t the green knight kill him? 学生回答because the green knight just had a test,did not want his life .通过这些个问题,学生知道了Sir Gawain fulfilled his promise and survived

[赏析] 授课老师紧扣语境 让学生品味cut three times,cut a little,not hurt him 反复推敲,学生不仅理解了表层含义,而且还有深层,言外之意。

5. Falling action

授课老师问Why was Sir Gawain angry?

学生回答They agreed only once but the Green Knight cut 3 times.

老师追问Why did the Green Knight cut three times?

学生回答Because he was honest for two days,but not on the third day.

By then Sir Gawain knew he was once dishonest and felt sad

6. Ending


What kind of lesson did he draw?

He realized that he was not a perfect knight. He was once dishonest,and sometimes,arrogant

Why did he wear the belt for the rest of his life?

To remind himself that he was once dishonest.

To inspire himself to be a perfect knight

[賞析]授课教师通过这两个问题,让学生体验Sir Gawain情感:反思自己缺点,采取改进措施,然后自我提升。这也是一个现代人的成长过程。

Step 4 Discussion

What is the theme of the story?

Step5 Homework

Write a comment on Sir Gawain. Your comment should include the following two parts:

A:his deeds and virtues;

B:your comment on him or his influence on you.

【赏析】学生要评价Sir Gawain,必须分析他的形象,读懂他的个性,homework具有开放性和探究性,能多角度、多方位地考查学生的思维过程、探究能力、创新能力和赏析体验感悟能力,鼓励学生发表个性化的见解,适合学生展现独特个性和特长。

【优化】把Homework设置成Discussion。让学生对Sir Gawain评价和分析,并延伸出现实意义:激励自己成为完美的人;敢于承认自己的错误,改了就是好骑士;为人要诚实,即使要面对死亡等等。




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