
来源:中国当代医药 ·2018年11月07日 17:53 浏览量:0


[摘要] 意图 评论抗反流医治对胃食管反流病并咳嗽变异性哮喘的临床使用价值。 办法 搜集本院呼吸内科门诊胃食管反流兼并咳嗽变异性哮喘患者50例,将其随机分为医治组与对照组,对照组予布地奈德气雾剂0.2 mg,3次/d吸入,氨茶碱0.1 g,3次/d口服;医治组在对照组医治的基础上,加用莫沙必利5 mg,3次/d,泮托拉唑40 mg,1次/d口服。对两组患者夜间咳嗽、白日咳嗽行视觉模仿评分。 成果 医治组医治前、医治4周后、医治8周后的白日视觉模仿评分分别为(7.0±3.4)、(3.7±3.3)、(1.4±1.5)分,医治4、8周后较医治前下降,差异有统计学含义(P<0.01);对照组医治前、医治4周后、医治8周后的白日视觉模仿评分分别为(6.9±3.6)、(5.1±3.4)、(2.8±1.9)分,医治8周后较医治前下降,差异有统计学含义(P<0.01)。医治组医治前、医治4周后、医治8周后夜间视觉模仿评分分别为(5.1±2.9)、(3.2±2.6)、(1.2±1.6)分,医治4、8周较医治前下降,差异有统计学含义(P<0.05,P<0.01);对照组医治前、医治4周后、医治8周后的夜间视觉模仿评分分别为(5.2±3.1)、(3.7±3.0)、(2.6±2.2)分,医治8周较医治前下降,差异有统计学含义(P<0.01)。医治组医治8周后白日及夜间视觉模仿评分均较对照组下降,差异有统计学含义(P<0.05,P<0.01)。医治组医治第4、8周嗳气、炙烤感较医治前缓解率分别为61.5%(16/26)、88.5%(23/26),对照组较医治前无缓解,两组差异有统计学含义(P<0.01)。医治组及对照组医治8周后支气管激起试验阴性率分别为46.2%(12/26)、25.0%(6/24),差异无统计学含义(P>0.05)。 定论 咳嗽变异性哮喘应活跃寻觅消化源性病因,抗反流医治能够较快下降胃食管反流病并咳嗽变异性哮喘的咳嗽症状评分,减轻炙烤感、嗳气等症状。

[要害词] 咳嗽变异性哮喘;胃食管反流病;视觉模仿评分;抗反流医治

[中图分类号] R562.2[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)03(c)-0035-04

The value of applying anti-reflux treatment for gastro-esophageal reflux and cough variant asthma

SUN Jun-sheng1 ZHAO Ya-mei2 ZHUO Song-ming1

1.Department of Respiratory Medicine,Longgang District Central Hospital of Shenzhen City,Shenzhen 518116,China;2.Department of Rehabilitation,Longgang District Central Hospital of Shenzhen City,Shenzhen 518116,China

[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical value of applying anti-reflux treatment for gastro-esophageal reflux and cough variant asthma.Methods 50 cases of patients with gastro-esophageal reflux and cough variant asthma treated in the outpatient clinic of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of our hospital were randomly assigned to the treatment group and the control group.The control group was given 0.2 mg budesonide aerosol for three times a day and 0.1 g aminophylline with oral administration for three times a day.On the basis of above treatment,the treatment group was given 5 mg mosapride for three times a day and 40 mg pantoprazole with oral administration for once a day.Visual analogue scale was applied for daytime and nighttime cough.Results The daytime visual analogue scale of the treatment group before treatment,4 weeks after treatment and 8 weeks after treatment was (7.0±3.4),(3.7±3.3),(1.4±1.5) respectively,with decreased daytime visual analogue scale at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after treatment than that before treatment,with statistical difference (P<0.01).The daytime visual analogue scale of the control group before treatment,4 weeks after treatment and 8 weeks after treatment was (6.9±3.6),(5.1±3.4) and (2.8±1.9) respectively,with decreased daytime visual analogue scale at 8 weeks after treatment than that before treatment,with statistical difference (P<0.01).The nighttime visual analogue scale of the treatment group before treatment,4 weeks after treatment and 8 weeks after treatment was (5.1±2.9),(3.2±2.6) and (1.2±1.6) respectively,with decreased nighttime visual analogue scale at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after treatment than that before treatment,with statistical difference (P<0.05,P<0.01).The nighttime visual analogue scale of the control group before treatment,4 weeks after treatment and 8 weeks after treatment was (5.2±3.1),(3.7±3.0),(2.6±2.2) respectively,with decreased nighttime visual analogue scale at 8 weeks after treatment than that before treatment,with statistical difference (P<0.01).The treatment group had lower daytime and nighttime visual analogue scale than that of the control group at 8 weeks after treatment,with statistical difference (P<0.05,P<0.01).The percentage of eructation and heartburn remission in the treatment group was 61.5% (16/26) at 4 weeks after treatment and 88.5% (23/26) at 8 weeks after treatment compared with before treatment,but the control group had no remission,with statistical difference between the two groups (P<0.01).The negative rate of bronchial provocation test for the treatment group and control group at 8 weeks after treatment was 46.2% (12/26) and 25.0% (6/24) respectively,without statistical difference (P>0.05).Conclusion It is suggested to actively explore digestive pathogens for cough variant asthma.Anti-reflux treatment can quickly reduce symptom scaling score on gastro-esophageal reflux and cough variant asthma and alleviate eructation,heartburn and other symptoms.

[Key words] Cough variant asthma;Gastro-esophageal reflux;Visual analogue scale;Anti-reflux treatment


1 材料与办法

1.1 一般材料


1.2 确诊规范


1.3 医治办法

在调查期间,一切患者睡觉时均举高床头15~20 cm,睡前3 h禁食,忌食酸性食物,禁烟酒,防止使用阿司匹林、非甾体类药物或抗胆碱能药物等。对照组使用布地奈德气雾剂0.2 mg,3次/d吸入+氨茶碱0.1 g,3次/d口服;医治组在对照组医治的基础上加用莫沙必利5 mg,3次/d,泮托拉唑40 mg,1次/d。使用4、8周后调查两组的作用。

1.4 调查目标

一切患者医治前均对咳嗽症状行视觉模仿评分(visual analogue scale,VAS),选用线性计分法,即作一刻度为0、1、2……10 cm的直线,0刻度表明无症状,10刻度表明患者咳嗽最严峻的程度,数值越大,表明咳嗽程度越重。


1.5 统计学剖析

选用统计学软件SPSS 10.0进行数据剖析,契合正态分布的计量材料用均数±规范差(x±s)表明,选用t查验,计数材料选用χ2查验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学含义。

2 成果

2.1 两组医治前,医治4、8周后咳嗽VAS的比较


2.2 两组医治4、8周后反流症状改进状况的比较


2.3 两组支气管激起试验阴性率的比较


3 评论











[4]Smith JA,Abdulqawi R,Houghton LA.GERD-related cough:pathophysiology and diagnostic approach[J].Curr Gastroenterol Rep,2011,13(3):247-256.

[5]Lai K,Chen R,Lin J,et al.A prospective,multicenter survey on causes of chronic cough in China[J].Chest,2013, 143(3):613-620.

[6]Niu R,Shao MJ,Liu B,et al.Research on morbidity and relative factors of cough variant asthma among patients with chronic cough syndrome[J].Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi,2009,30(5):511-513.

[7]Francis DO,Rymer JA,Slaughter JC.High economic burden of caring for patients with suspected extraesophageal reflux[J].Am J Gastroenterol,2013,108(6):905-911.


[9]Ke M.How is the autonomic nerve function different between gastroesophageal reflux disease alone and gastroesophageal reflux disease with diabetes mellitus neuropathy?[J].J Neurogastroenterol Motil,2011,17(4):430-431.


[11]来运钢,汪忠镐,吴继敏,等.胃食管反流源性哮喘诱导痰中细胞及细胞因子剖析[J].中华试验外科杂志,2010, 27(10):1476-1479.

[12]Harding SM,Allen JE,Blumin JH,et al.Respiratory manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease[J].Ann N Y Acad Sci,2013,1300:43-52.

[13]M?觟nnikes H,Schwan T,van Rensburg C,et al.Possible etiology of improvements in both quality of life and overlapping gastroesophageal reflux disease by proton pump inhibitor treatment in a prospective randomized controlled trial[J].BMC Gastroenterol,2013,13(1):145.


[15]Chen CL,Yi CH,Liu TT,et al.Effects of mosapride on secondary peristalsis in patients with ineffective esophageal motility[J].Scand J Gastroenterol,2013,48(12):1363-1370.








[4]Smith JA,Abdulqawi R,Houghton LA.GERD-related cough:pathophysiology and diagnostic approach[J].Curr Gastroenterol Rep,2011,13(3):247-256.

[5]Lai K,Chen R,Lin J,et al.A prospective,multicenter survey on causes of chronic cough in China[J].Chest,2013, 143(3):613-620.

[6]Niu R,Shao MJ,Liu B,et al.Research on morbidity and relative factors of cough variant asthma among patients with chronic cough syndrome[J].Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi,2009,30(5):511-513.

[7]Francis DO,Rymer JA,Slaughter JC.High economic burden of caring for patients with suspected extraesophageal reflux[J].Am J Gastroenterol,2013,108(6):905-911.


[9]Ke M.How is the autonomic nerve function different between gastroesophageal reflux disease alone and gastroesophageal reflux disease with diabetes mellitus neuropathy?[J].J Neurogastroenterol Motil,2011,17(4):430-431.


[11]来运钢,汪忠镐,吴继敏,等.胃食管反流源性哮喘诱导痰中细胞及细胞因子剖析[J].中华试验外科杂志,2010, 27(10):1476-1479.

[12]Harding SM,Allen JE,Blumin JH,et al.Respiratory manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease[J].Ann N Y Acad Sci,2013,1300:43-52.

[13]M?觟nnikes H,Schwan T,van Rensburg C,et al.Possible etiology of improvements in both quality of life and overlapping gastroesophageal reflux disease by proton pump inhibitor treatment in a prospective randomized controlled trial[J].BMC Gastroenterol,2013,13(1):145.


[15]Chen CL,Yi CH,Liu TT,et al.Effects of mosapride on secondary peristalsis in patients with ineffective esophageal motility[J].Scand J Gastroenterol,2013,48(12):1363-1370.








[4]Smith JA,Abdulqawi R,Houghton LA.GERD-related cough:pathophysiology and diagnostic approach[J].Curr Gastroenterol Rep,2011,13(3):247-256.

[5]Lai K,Chen R,Lin J,et al.A prospective,multicenter survey on causes of chronic cough in China[J].Chest,2013, 143(3):613-620.

[6]Niu R,Shao MJ,Liu B,et al.Research on morbidity and relative factors of cough variant asthma among patients with chronic cough syndrome[J].Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi,2009,30(5):511-513.

[7]Francis DO,Rymer JA,Slaughter JC.High economic burden of caring for patients with suspected extraesophageal reflux[J].Am J Gastroenterol,2013,108(6):905-911.


[9]Ke M.How is the autonomic nerve function different between gastroesophageal reflux disease alone and gastroesophageal reflux disease with diabetes mellitus neuropathy?[J].J Neurogastroenterol Motil,2011,17(4):430-431.


[11]来运钢,汪忠镐,吴继敏,等.胃食管反流源性哮喘诱导痰中细胞及细胞因子剖析[J].中华试验外科杂志,2010, 27(10):1476-1479.

[12]Harding SM,Allen JE,Blumin JH,et al.Respiratory manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease[J].Ann N Y Acad Sci,2013,1300:43-52.

[13]M?觟nnikes H,Schwan T,van Rensburg C,et al.Possible etiology of improvements in both quality of life and overlapping gastroesophageal reflux disease by proton pump inhibitor treatment in a prospective randomized controlled trial[J].BMC Gastroenterol,2013,13(1):145.


[15]Chen CL,Yi CH,Liu TT,et al.Effects of mosapride on secondary peristalsis in patients with ineffective esophageal motility[J].Scand J Gastroenterol,2013,48(12):1363-1370.



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