
来源:中国现代医生 ·2018年12月16日 16:03 浏览量:0


[摘要] 意图 比较经尿道前列腺电切术及经尿道前列腺汽化电切术医治良性前列腺增生症的临床作用。办法 330例BPH患者均为2011年5月~2013年11月来我院医治的病例,依照患者的医治志愿将其分为TUVP组及TURP组,每组165例。 成果 TURP组术后Na+水平低于TUVP组(P<0.05);TUVP组的手术时刻、术中出血量、并发症发生率显着少于TURP组(P<0.05),两组切除安排分量、灌洗液量、留置尿管时刻及住院时刻、术后1个月、术后3个月IPSS、QOL、RUV、Qmax比较差异无统计学含义(P>0.05)。定论 TUVP及TURP对BPH的医治作用附近,可是TUVP安全性更高,并发症发生率更低。

[关键词] 良性前列腺增生;汽化电切术

[中图分类号] R699[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)15-0111-02

Effect analysis of transurethral resection of the prostate and transurethral resection of the prostate transurethral resection treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia

YAO Zengwen

Department of Second Surgery,Liaoning Province Donggang City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Donggang118300,China

[Abstract] Objective To compare the clinical effects of benign prostatic hyperplasia patients treated with transurethral resection of the prostate and transurethral resection the prostate transurethral resection. Methods A total of 330 cases of BPH patients were selected from May 2011 to November 2013 in our hospital, according to the patients′ treatment wishes they were divided into TURP group and TUVP group, every groups had 165 cases. Results Na+ levels of TURP group after operation was lower than TUVP group(P <0.05). The operative time, blood loss, complication rate of TUVP group were significantly less than the TURP group(P <0.05). The resected tissue weight, fluid volume, indwelling catheter time and hospital stay, after a month, 3 months of IPSS, QOL, RUV, Qmax of two groupsTUVP had no significant difference(P> 0.05). Conclusion TUVP and TURP for BPH treatment effect is similar, but with higher security, lower complication rate.

[Key words] Benign prostatic hyperplasia; Transurethral resection前列腺是男性特有的腺体,巨细、形状像胡桃,重约20g,排泄淡薄奶样的前列腺液为其主要功用[1]。在男性晚年人群中有较高的良性前列腺增生症(BPH)发病率,因为用正常手术医治年纪较大的良性前列腺增生症患者有巨大的危险性,因而多选用保存医治,可是这种医治办法也存在着必定的坏处,如医治作用不抱负,影响患者的日子质量,一起可能有较高的并发症发生率[2]。但经尿道前列腺电切术(TURP)作用较好,且具有微创、安全等长处,为医治前列腺疾病的“金规范”,但对术者技能、熟练程度等要求很高,术中可能呈现TURP综合征[3]。在TURP基础上开展的经尿道前列腺汽化电切术(TUVP)是金规范的连续。本次研讨中的330例良性前列腺增生患者均为2011年5月~2013年11月来我院医治的病例,别离选用TUVP、TURP医治并比较剖析两种办法的医治作用,现报导如下。





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