
来源:中国现代医生 ·2018年12月20日 05:47 浏览量:0


[摘要] 意图 评论凋亡按捺蛋白Livin在结肠癌安排中的表达及与细胞增殖的联系。 办法 选取结肠癌患者术后病理标本70例,选用S-P免疫组化法检测Livin基因的表达,并评论其与患者性别、年纪、肿瘤巨细、安排分解程度、滋润深度、淋巴结搬运和远处搬运等生物学行为及细胞增殖的联系。另取30例癌旁正常的结肠安排作对照。成果 结肠癌安排中Livin基因的阳性率显着高于癌旁正常结肠安排(χ2=12.19,P <0.01)。Livin基因在结肠癌安排中表达水平与性别、年纪、肿瘤巨细及安排分解程度无关(P >0.05),随原发病灶的滋润深度、淋巴结搬运和远处搬运呈显着上升趋势(P <0.01或P <0.05)。Livin基因表达阴性的结肠癌安排中PCNA的细胞增殖指数显着低于Livin基因表达阳性的安排(P <0.05)。 定论 Livin基因不只参加结肠癌的发病开展进程,并且还参加了断肠癌的部分侵袭和搬运的病理进程。Livin不只参加结肠癌细胞凋亡的调控,还促进了细胞的增殖进程,可作为大肠癌临床确诊、搬运和放化效果果及预后评价的灵敏目标。

[关键词] 结肠癌;免疫组化;Livin基因;细胞增殖

[中图分类号] R735.35 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)12-0085-03

[Abstract] Objective To discuss expression of inhibitor of apoptosis protein Livin in colon cancer tissue and its relationship with cell multiplication. Methods A total of 70 cases of postoperative pathological specimen of patients with colon cancer tissue were selected, and the expression of Livin genes was detected by S-P immunohistochemistry, whose relationship with gender, age, size of tumor, histological grade, inasie depth, lymphatic metastasis, distant metastasis and other biological behaviour and cell multiplication of patients were discussed. 30 cases of normal colonic tissue near tumor tissues were additionally selected as the research comparison. Results The positive expression rate of Livin genes in colon cancer tissue was much higher than that in normal colon tissue(χ2=12.19, P <0.01). The expression level of Livin genes in colon cancer tissue has no relationship with gender, age, size of tumor and histological grade(P >0.05). As the development of inasie depth of primary lesion, lymphatic metastasis and distant metastasis were showed the rising trend (P <0.01 or P <0.05). The PCNA cell proliferation index in colon cancer tissue of Livin genes negative expression was much lower than that in Livin genes positive expression(P <0.05). Conclusion Livin genes participate in not only the disease progression of colon cancer tissue, but also pathologic process of local invasion and transformation. Livin genes participate in not only the apoptosis control of colon cancer tissue, but also the boosting of processing of cell multiplication, which can be the clinical diagnosis, transformation, curative effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and reliable index of prognosis evaluation.

[Key words] Colon cancer tissue; Immunohistochemical; Livin gene; Cell multiplication


1 材料与办法

1.1 一般材料

本研讨共选取了断肠癌患者术后病理标本70份。一切患者具有完好临床材料,术前均未进行任何方式的辅佐化疗、放疗和免疫治疗。70例患者中男43例,女27例;年纪34 ~87岁,均匀(65.4±7.6)岁。另取30例癌旁正常的结肠安排(距肿瘤边际5 cm以上的安排)作对照,其间男19例,女11例;年纪36 ~84岁,均匀(64.9±7.1)岁。两组在性别、年纪方面比较差异不显着(P>0.05),具有可比性。

1.2 免疫组化染色[5]


1.3 调查目标

1.3.1 Livin免疫组化成果断定[6] Livin阳性表达细胞是指细胞浆或细胞浆与细胞核均呈现黄色至棕褐色颗粒状染色。依照染色细胞的百分比判别免疫组化成果,其间细胞染色不显着或染色细胞的百分比≤10%为阴性(-);染色细胞的百分比>10%为阳性(+)。

1.3.2 PCNA的细胞增殖指数的测定[7] 选用HPIAS-1000高清晰度五颜六色病理图文剖析体系,将PCNA染色阳性的每张免疫组化切片挑选10个高倍区域,选取1000个肿瘤细胞计数PCNA染色阳性细胞所占的份额即为PCNA的细胞增殖指数。

1.4 统计学处理


2 成果

2.1 Livin基因在结肠癌及癌旁正常结肠安排中的表达差异比较


2.2 Livin基因在结肠癌中的表达与患者生物学行为的联系


2.3 结肠癌安排中Livin基因的表达与PI的联系


3 评论

结肠癌是现在全球发病率较高的胃肠道恶性肿瘤,其发病进程一般均经过了正常黏膜- 腺瘤-癌的开展进程,其间细胞凋亡途径及凋亡基因表达反常在结肠癌的发作、开展进程中起到极其重要的效果。Livin基因是近年来研讨发现IAPs宗族中的新成员,定坐落人染色体20号的q13.3处,长度7.6Kb,由7个外显子和6个内含子组成[8]。Livin基因的BIR结构域能与多种Caspase,尤其是Caspase-3、7和9结兼并相互效果,按捺活化的Caspase活性,阻断凋亡受体和以线粒体为中心的凋亡级联反响,然后按捺细胞的凋亡进程;别的Livin基因还能激活T AK1/JNK1信号传导途径,促进 TAK1介导的JNK1激活效应,终究启动了Livin基因的抗细胞凋亡效果,并能参加Wnt/-catenin信号通路转录后的调控,一起参加恶性肿瘤的发作、开展、预后和转归进程[9-12]。




[1] Wang R, Lin F, Wang X, et al. Silencing Livin gene expression to inhibit proliferation and enhance chemosensitivity in tumor cells[J]. Cancer Gene Ther,2008,15(6):402-412.

[2] Maas C,Verbrugge I,de Vries E, et al. Smac/DIABLO release from mitochondria and XIAP inhibition are essential to limit clonogenicity of Type I tumor cells after TRAIL receptor stimulation[J]. Cell Death Differ,2010,17(10):1613-1623.

[3] 王栋,钱有辉. 凋亡按捺蛋白 livin 的研讨开展[J]. 热带医学杂志,2011,11(11):1335-1338

[4] Wang X,Xu J,Ju S, et al. Livin gene plays a role in drug resistance of colon cancer cells[J]. Clin Biochem,2010, 43(7-8):655-656.

[5] 吴伟. 乳腺癌安排芯片中Survivin的表达及其与临床病理特征和预后的联系[J]. 我国医师杂志,2010,12(2):197-199.

[6] Ye CP, Qiu CZ, Huang ZX, et al. Relationship between survivin expression and recurrence, and prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. World Gastroentero,2007,13(46):6264-6268.

[7] 王正,陈金晖. 乳腺癌安排芯片中Survivin 的表达及其与临床病理特征和细胞增殖的联系[J]. 我国药物与临床,2010,10(7): 763-764.

[8] 黄方名,王文忠. 新凋亡按捺因子 Livin与肿瘤的研讨开展[J]. 中华全科医学,2011, 9(12): 1934-1936.

[9] Zhao Y, Deng X, Wang Q. Expression and clinical significance of apoptosis associated genes Livin and Smac/DIABLO in human gastric carcinomas[J]. Ai Zheng,2009, 28(6):593-601.

[10] Yuan D, Liu L, Xu H, et al. The effects on cell growth and chemo sensitivity by Livin RNAi in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Mol Cell Biochem,2009,320(1-2):133-140.

[11] Xi RC, Biao WS, Gang ZZ. Significant elevation of survivin and livin expression in human colorectal cancer: inverse correlation between expression and overall survival[J]. Onkologie, 2011,34(5):428-432.

[12] Dasgupta A, Alvarado CS, Xu Z, et al. Expression and functional role of inhibitor-of-apoptosis protein Livin( BIRC7) in neuroblastoma[J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2010, 400(1):53-59.

[13] 王永,宋怡才,尹作文,等. 凋亡按捺蛋白Livin在大肠腺瘤-癌序列中的表达差异及含义[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版),2011,5(8): 2304-2308.

[14] 李辰生,石玉龙,靖昌庆,等. Livin蛋白在中下段直肠癌安排中的表达及临床含义[J]. 我国现代普通外科开展,2013,16(5): 347-350.

[15] 严红,彭淑梅,邱春雷. 大肠癌安排中Livin表达的临床含义[J]. 江西医药,2010,46(2): 109-111.

[16] 汪海,韩子华. 胃癌安排中Livin蛋白的表达及其与临床生物学行为及细胞增殖的联系[J]. 我国现代医师,2013,5(4):51-52,55.

[17] Choi J, Hwang YK, Sung KW, et al. Expression of Livin, an antiapoptotic protein, is an independent favorable prognostic factor in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia[J]. Blood, 2007,109(2):471-477.




[1] Wang R, Lin F, Wang X, et al. Silencing Livin gene expression to inhibit proliferation and enhance chemosensitivity in tumor cells[J]. Cancer Gene Ther,2008,15(6):402-412.

[2] Maas C,Verbrugge I,de Vries E, et al. Smac/DIABLO release from mitochondria and XIAP inhibition are essential to limit clonogenicity of Type I tumor cells after TRAIL receptor stimulation[J]. Cell Death Differ,2010,17(10):1613-1623.

[3] 王栋,钱有辉. 凋亡按捺蛋白 livin 的研讨开展[J]. 热带医学杂志,2011,11(11):1335-1338

[4] Wang X,Xu J,Ju S, et al. Livin gene plays a role in drug resistance of colon cancer cells[J]. Clin Biochem,2010, 43(7-8):655-656.

[5] 吴伟. 乳腺癌安排芯片中Survivin的表达及其与临床病理特征和预后的联系[J]. 我国医师杂志,2010,12(2):197-199.

[6] Ye CP, Qiu CZ, Huang ZX, et al. Relationship between survivin expression and recurrence, and prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. World Gastroentero,2007,13(46):6264-6268.

[7] 王正,陈金晖. 乳腺癌安排芯片中Survivin 的表达及其与临床病理特征和细胞增殖的联系[J]. 我国药物与临床,2010,10(7): 763-764.

[8] 黄方名,王文忠. 新凋亡按捺因子 Livin与肿瘤的研讨开展[J]. 中华全科医学,2011, 9(12): 1934-1936.

[9] Zhao Y, Deng X, Wang Q. Expression and clinical significance of apoptosis associated genes Livin and Smac/DIABLO in human gastric carcinomas[J]. Ai Zheng,2009, 28(6):593-601.

[10] Yuan D, Liu L, Xu H, et al. The effects on cell growth and chemo sensitivity by Livin RNAi in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Mol Cell Biochem,2009,320(1-2):133-140.

[11] Xi RC, Biao WS, Gang ZZ. Significant elevation of survivin and livin expression in human colorectal cancer: inverse correlation between expression and overall survival[J]. Onkologie, 2011,34(5):428-432.

[12] Dasgupta A, Alvarado CS, Xu Z, et al. Expression and functional role of inhibitor-of-apoptosis protein Livin( BIRC7) in neuroblastoma[J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2010, 400(1):53-59.

[13] 王永,宋怡才,尹作文,等. 凋亡按捺蛋白Livin在大肠腺瘤-癌序列中的表达差异及含义[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版),2011,5(8): 2304-2308.

[14] 李辰生,石玉龙,靖昌庆,等. Livin蛋白在中下段直肠癌安排中的表达及临床含义[J]. 我国现代普通外科开展,2013,16(5): 347-350.

[15] 严红,彭淑梅,邱春雷. 大肠癌安排中Livin表达的临床含义[J]. 江西医药,2010,46(2): 109-111.

[16] 汪海,韩子华. 胃癌安排中Livin蛋白的表达及其与临床生物学行为及细胞增殖的联系[J]. 我国现代医师,2013,5(4):51-52,55.

[17] Choi J, Hwang YK, Sung KW, et al. Expression of Livin, an antiapoptotic protein, is an independent favorable prognostic factor in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia[J]. Blood, 2007,109(2):471-477.




[1] Wang R, Lin F, Wang X, et al. Silencing Livin gene expression to inhibit proliferation and enhance chemosensitivity in tumor cells[J]. Cancer Gene Ther,2008,15(6):402-412.

[2] Maas C,Verbrugge I,de Vries E, et al. Smac/DIABLO release from mitochondria and XIAP inhibition are essential to limit clonogenicity of Type I tumor cells after TRAIL receptor stimulation[J]. Cell Death Differ,2010,17(10):1613-1623.

[3] 王栋,钱有辉. 凋亡按捺蛋白 livin 的研讨开展[J]. 热带医学杂志,2011,11(11):1335-1338

[4] Wang X,Xu J,Ju S, et al. Livin gene plays a role in drug resistance of colon cancer cells[J]. Clin Biochem,2010, 43(7-8):655-656.

[5] 吴伟. 乳腺癌安排芯片中Survivin的表达及其与临床病理特征和预后的联系[J]. 我国医师杂志,2010,12(2):197-199.

[6] Ye CP, Qiu CZ, Huang ZX, et al. Relationship between survivin expression and recurrence, and prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma[J]. World Gastroentero,2007,13(46):6264-6268.

[7] 王正,陈金晖. 乳腺癌安排芯片中Survivin 的表达及其与临床病理特征和细胞增殖的联系[J]. 我国药物与临床,2010,10(7): 763-764.

[8] 黄方名,王文忠. 新凋亡按捺因子 Livin与肿瘤的研讨开展[J]. 中华全科医学,2011, 9(12): 1934-1936.

[9] Zhao Y, Deng X, Wang Q. Expression and clinical significance of apoptosis associated genes Livin and Smac/DIABLO in human gastric carcinomas[J]. Ai Zheng,2009, 28(6):593-601.

[10] Yuan D, Liu L, Xu H, et al. The effects on cell growth and chemo sensitivity by Livin RNAi in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Mol Cell Biochem,2009,320(1-2):133-140.

[11] Xi RC, Biao WS, Gang ZZ. Significant elevation of survivin and livin expression in human colorectal cancer: inverse correlation between expression and overall survival[J]. Onkologie, 2011,34(5):428-432.

[12] Dasgupta A, Alvarado CS, Xu Z, et al. Expression and functional role of inhibitor-of-apoptosis protein Livin( BIRC7) in neuroblastoma[J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2010, 400(1):53-59.

[13] 王永,宋怡才,尹作文,等. 凋亡按捺蛋白Livin在大肠腺瘤-癌序列中的表达差异及含义[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版),2011,5(8): 2304-2308.

[14] 李辰生,石玉龙,靖昌庆,等. Livin蛋白在中下段直肠癌安排中的表达及临床含义[J]. 我国现代普通外科开展,2013,16(5): 347-350.

[15] 严红,彭淑梅,邱春雷. 大肠癌安排中Livin表达的临床含义[J]. 江西医药,2010,46(2): 109-111.

[16] 汪海,韩子华. 胃癌安排中Livin蛋白的表达及其与临床生物学行为及细胞增殖的联系[J]. 我国现代医师,2013,5(4):51-52,55.

[17] Choi J, Hwang YK, Sung KW, et al. Expression of Livin, an antiapoptotic protein, is an independent favorable prognostic factor in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia[J]. Blood, 2007,109(2):471-477.


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